Dog Not Eating.

Dog not eating? Some pets are naturally picky eaters. But if your pooch is normally a clean-plater and suddenly stops eating, it’s normal to be a little worried. Your dog could have a temporary tummy upset or something that warrants more treatment. Whatever the case, our team at Allure Veterinary Partners is here with help for dogs not eating.

Why Won’t My Dog Eat?

A dog not eating usually means that he or she isn’t feeling well. Here are some common causes of dog appetite loss:

An upset tummy. Conditions that impact a dog’s digestion are common causes of dog appetite loss. Ingesting a foreign object, constipation, and inflammatory bowel disease can be causes of a dog not eating.

Dental disease. Most pets have some type of dental disease by the time they’re 3 years old, and this can cause discomfort when a dog tries to eat. 

Chronic health conditions. Kidney problems, liver failure, pancreatitis, some cancers, or heartworms can be causes of dog appetite loss.

Joint disorders. Hip dysplasia, an injury, or arthritis pain and stiffness can make standing over a food bowl uncomfortable for pets.

New medications. If your dog recently started taking a new medication, that could be why your dog is experiencing a loss of appetite.

Cognitive problems. More prevalent in senior dogs, cognitive decline can make dogs lose interest in eating—and even forget where the bowls are.

Other Common Causes of Dog Appetite Loss

Sometimes, a change in his or her environment can trigger stress and anxiety, and this can cause a loss of appetite. 

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

  • You adopted another pet.
  • You’re feeding your dog a different diet.
  • You moved to a new home.
  • There is construction in the home.
  • There are houseguests.
  • You welcomed a new baby.
  • You bought new furniture.
  • The food and water dishes are in a new spot.

Here’s What To Do if Your Dog Won’t Eat

If your dog is still drinking enough water and (otherwise) acting normally, offer a little extra TLC and be mindful of when his or her appetite returns. A persistent loss of appetite, especially if other symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy are present, warrants a call to the vet. If your canine companion has a known health issue like diabetes and won’t eat, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Try These Dog Appetite Recovery Tips

Here are some tips and tricks you can try to encourage your dog to eat:

  • Slightly warm up the food in the microwave
  • Add a tempting topper like low-sodium chicken broth
  • Try different food textures and flavors
  • Try hand feeding (but don’t force your dog to eat)

Help for Dogs Not Eating

We understand that a dog’s loss of appetite can be a concern. Please contact us for more suggestions on what to do if your dog won’t eat or for more dog appetite recovery tips.